Angioedema: What is it, Who Gets It, and How to Treat it.

Angioedema: What is it, Who Gets It, and How to Treat it.

Angioedema is a medical condition that causes swelling of the skin, lips, and throat, as well as difficulty in breathing. This article will explore what angioedema is, who gets it, and how to treat it, as well as how to prevent it. What is angioedema? Angioedema is an...
Anemia Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Anemia Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Anemia is a condition in which the red blood cells in the body are not produced at the normal rate. This is caused by insufficient iron in the body. It is a common condition that affects people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Anemia is common in pregnant women and...
How to Stay Healthy In Your 30s and Beyond

How to Stay Healthy In Your 30s and Beyond

At a certain point in your life, it’s normal to feel less in shape. Your body changes with aging, and sometimes that means that your fitness routine isn’t as intense as it was in your 20s. Today, we’re going to help you get back on track and feel...