If you are planning a vacation to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, then you will be able to visit amazing places of interest. There are many places to explore, but this blog will focus on some of the most important places of these islands. These places, which are made up of history and culture, are a must-see, and are steeped in legend and myths. These heritage places are a must-see when you are in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Explore more about Andman and his place here is the total places to visit in Andman hope you guys enjoy.

Anthropological Museum

The Anthropological Museum, in Port Blair, started in the year 1975-76, and is an ethnographic museum. It showcases the four Negrito tribes of the Andaman i.e. the Jarawas, Sentinelese, Great Andamanese and the Onges and two Mongoloid tribes of the Nicobar – the Nicobarese and the Shompens. Since these tribes maintain very little contact with the outside world, the museum is a great opportunity to understand their culture and lifestyle. The major exhibits one can find are shamanic sculptures and Jarawa chest guard.

This museum is closed on Mondays and government holidays. It is one of the best and most well-maintained museums in the country that offers in-depth information on tribes, which are considered to be the oldest in the world. 

Cellular Jail

A visit to the Cellular Jail is like experiencing all of the old patriotic Hindi films, particularly Kala Paani. You may have expected a dismal jail given its history, yet the building you enter is a bright courtyard.

Indians striving for independence from the British were exiled to and imprisoned at Port Blair’s horrific Cellular Jail. This colonial prison, now a national landmark, was completed in 1906.

The word “cellular” refers to the fact that it was built to contain just individual cells for the purpose of solitary confinement. Initially, the edifice had seven wings, and in the centre of each wing rose a tower with a large bell that was guarded.

Each wing had three storeys, and each solitary cell was around 15 feet by 9 feet with a 9-foot-high window. Because the wings were built like bicycle spokes, and the front of one wing oversaw the rear of the other, there was no opportunity for inmates to connect with one another. Only three of the original seven cells have survived.The rest was turned into a hospital and government offices.

The cell in which liberation warrior Veer Savarkar (Vinayak Damodar Savarkar) was imprisoned contains his scratchy blanket, a bowl, a meagre bed, and other things that show how the inmates lived. His cell overlooked the execution yard for death row inmates.

This prison is now a must-see for travellers who want to learn about that sad chapter in Indian history and pay their respects to the martyrs who died there.

The Jail Museum is open everyday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1.30 p.m. to 4.45 p.m., except on national holidays.Walking through the cells and the hanging yard gives you shivers thinking about how individuals were locked within a place with no way out.

Every evening, a music and light display that retells the history of the jail and its inmates draws a large crowd. The play is made even more heartbreaking by the emotional voice-overs of renowned performers such as late Manohar Singh, late Tom Alter, and late Om Puri.

Chatham Saw Mill

It is one of the oldest and largest sawmills in Asia. Founded in 1883 to meet the local demand for construction materials. This factory has a rich history and was damaged by Japanese bombs that fell here while trying to invade the area. Today the factory is controlled by the state government. As you approach the factory, you will see large logs piled up throughout the area. 

The factory also has a museum displaying wood crafts made by skilled craftsmen. The museum also has exhibits of flora and fauna. Visitors can see the various manufacturing processes used to turn heavy logs into fine, intricate pieces of wood.


    We hope you enjoyed our blog on amazing heritage places to visit in Andaman & Nicobar. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most noteworthy places to visit in Andaman & Nicobar. Check out our article and see the places that we suggest visiting.

    We hope this helps you find some great places to visit when you’re in the region. If you need assistance with planning your trip, please refer to our article here. We would love to hear from you if you experienced any difficulties. Thank you for reading!